European Commission
Ministero per i beni e le attività culturali
1221 Istituzioni trovate

CGIL Lombardia

Non ci sono progetti

Chalkis City

Non ci sono progetti

The extent of the new expanded Municipality of Chalkis is 424,370 acres with a popu-lation of 92,202 inhabitants (census 2001) and Chalkis is the capital city. Chalkis is 80 km away from Athens and 470 km from Thessaloniki by car. Chalkis is the capital of the prefecture of Evia and the main port of ...

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Municipality of Kumanovo

Non ci sono progetti

Link Associazione

Non ci sono progetti

We are looking for civil society organization with a strong involvement and deep-rooted in their local community as well as being able to dialogue with local and regional decision makers. Partner organizations should have a clear agreement with the Municipality (or Province or Region) in which they operate, ...

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Pontecagnano Faiano

Non ci sono progetti
Pontecagnano Faiano


Ministero per i beni e le attività culturali e per il turismo
Segretariato Generale
Via del Collegio Romano, 27 - 00186 Roma